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Make a Juicy 2D shooter prototype in Unity 2020
Course content (1:28)
Project setup (5:37)
Using resources, getting help and how to ask for a refund (2:09)
Section 2 - Player Character
Intro - Preparing the project (6:15)
Camera Setup - Ghosting fix
Preparing sprites for pixel graphics (5:48)
Preparing sprites - splitting tilemap (4:34)
Creating player avatar (6:30)
macOS users Visual Studio tip
Getting input (11:23)
Basic Player Movement (5:54)
Movement Data Scriptable object (7:32)
Better player movement (9:26)
Better player movement fix
Adding player animations (10:35)
Playing animations (7:59)
Getting pointer input (5:20)
Making player look at pointer (12:22)
Adding step audio (11:16)
Project files so far
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Section 3 - Simple Map
Tilemap setup (8:24)
Creating floor tiles (7:19)
Sprite sorting order (4:32)
Creating walls (7:47)
Adding collisions (5:47)
Adding cinemachine camera to follow player (4:10)
Fixing 2D light (4:35)
Unity 2021.2 + "Point light" is now "Spot light"
Adding Torches (10:55)
Adding shadows (5:54)
Pixel perfect camera (4:56)
Project files so far
Refer a friend program
Section 4 - Shooting mechanic
Preparing weapon sprite (5:21)
Aiming our weapon through script (7:26)
Rendering the weapon (9:37)
Fixing weapon flip logic
Preparing Weapon script (7:57)
Using AgentWeapon script to shoot (7:41)
Finishing Weapon script P1 (11:32)
Finishing Weapon script P2 (11:20)
Weapon Data Scriptable Object (10:01)
Creating bullet prefab (11:27)
Bullet collisions and BulletDataSO (9:00)
Regular Bullet script (9:16)
BulletDataSO (10:40)
Spawning a bullet (11:19)
Detecting bullet collision (7:18)
Shoot sound effect (9:55)
Changing cursor icon to crosshair (3:42)
Project files so far
Section 5 - Enemy setup
Preparing enemy gameobject (11:25)
Shooting the enemy (7:10)
Enemy class and IHittable interface (11:30)
EnemyData (7:02)
Enemy Audio (13:22)
EnemyAI Introduction (5:44)
EnemyBrain (12:55)
State Machine architecture (7:54)
AI Action, Transition, Decision and State classes (15:54)
Adding AI structure to the Enemy object (13:14)
Distance decision (9:16)
ChaseState and IdleState (9:03)
Finishing the Attack state (8:07)
Fixing rendering issues - Transparency Sort Mode (3:49)
Enemy Attack player logic (11:34)
Adding IHittable to player (9:06)
Bug Fix - Weapon Damage
Project files so far
Section 6 - Adding Juiciness
What is juiciness? (5:42)
Feedback architecture setup (8:57)
Weapon feedback - muzzle flash (7:10)
Weapon Flash light Feedback (9:39)
Weapon Shake Feedback (9:51)
Cinemachine Camera shake feedback (11:26)
Bullet impact - prefabs (13:35)
Implementing Bullet impact feedback (8:07)
Fix - Bullet Impact Effect spawning away from the wall (7:12)
Minor fixes (3:56)
Enemy Feedback Hit - introduction (3:16)
Unity 2020.2 Shader Graph Changes
Solid Color shader Unity 2020.2 (16:03)
Fixing Solid Color Shader Unity 2020.2 (16:03)
Dissolve shader Unity 2020.2 (15:59)
Improving Enemy Death Feedback (9:51)
PostProcessing (8:20)
Fixing bullet issues (5:48)
Adding Time Freeze feedback (16:46)
Player Death Animation (12:22)
Analyzing game testers feedback (4:53)
Adding knockback to enemies (14:08)
Bullet shell generator - object pool (8:14)
Bullet shell generator - implementation (14:16)
Background music (2:23)
Project files so far
Section 7 - UI
Creating UI layout (6:59)
Creating health UI (10:43)
Creating bullet UI (8:07)
Implementing health ui to our game (5:10)
Implementing bullet ui to our game (8:34)
Simple restart menu (10:33)
Project files so far
Section 8 - Spawning enemies
Creating a spawner class (13:13)
Adding Line of sight to Enemy AI (12:18)
Project files so far
Section 9 - Enemy drop ammo and health
Preparing resource scripts (11:56)
Item prefabs (6:59)
ItemDropper (15:46)
Making Enemy drop item (6:42)
Picking up items (7:20)
Project files so far
Section 10 - FIXES
FIX 1 - Adding Player backward movement animation (15:41)
Fix 2 - Building Standalone version (3:09)
Section 11 - Old content for Unity 2020.1
Solid Color shader 2020.1 (12:11)
Fixing Solid Color Shader 2020.1 (15:20)
Dissolve shader 2020.1 (14:52)
Section 12 - End Project
End project files
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Bullet shell generator - object pool
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