Full Game Project
This is a project template of an Incremental Game created in Unity 2022.20f1. You will get access to all the CODE, Art and sound assets representing the game.
Play this game here:
Basic Incremental Game mechanics
- Click a button to start a progress bar which upon finishing will give you Money
- Spend Money to upgrade unlocked items (soldiers), UNLOCK new soldiers and UNLOCK managers
- AUTOMATION - you can purchase managers that will automatically click the buttons
- Scriptable Object used to represent STATS of each item - so that you can modify it (implemented based on this article https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/the-math-of-idle-games-part-i)
- UI - Buttons, Progressbar and all the scripts necessary for interaction
- SAVE SYSTEM - a way to save and reload (when the game starts) the data
- DATA driven project - Code is separated into UI, Visuals, Rules, Scriptable object representation of stats and DATA so that you can easily modify everything
- Sounds on and off button
- 3 types of soldiers with animations
- Simple SPLINE implementation for grenade throwing
- Sound and Visual effects for explosions (using particle system)
- Background Music
Assets used:
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/dotween-hotween-v2-27676
- https://mattwalkden.itch.io/free-robot-warfare-pack
- https://github.com/sparklinlabs/superpowers-asset-packs
- https://kenney.nl/assets/game-icons
- Unpack the ZIP archive intop a separate folder in the location where you want to store your project
- Use Unity Hub "Open" button and select the folder where you have unpacked the ZIP archive
- Make sure to use UNITY 2022.2.0f1 or higher
- Unity will recreate the LIBRARY folder which can take a few minutes (that is how I can make the file smaller)
- Select the "Scenes" folder in the Project tab and open "incremental game" scene there
- Press PLAY